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02037780123February is possibly the most popular month in which to go skiing and here at iSki we have loads of great holidays on offer in Alpe d'Huez for departures throughout February. We have a whole host of accommodation types to choose from. From ski chalets, to hotels or even self catered apartments, you name it and we have it.
The reason that February is so popular is that it generally combines all of the best conditions in terms of snow and sun. In February the hard packed snow has not yet started to turn slushy yet the sun is very often out, and Alpe d'Huez is the perfect resort to make the most of this. The resort is south facing so on a sunny day it really does get bathed in sun and you can ski nearly all day without loosing the sunshine, yet at 1860m it is high enough to be above the freezing level most of the time so the snow conditions under foot are also great from the moment you set off skiing to the moment you get back. Why not give us a call on 02037780123 and see if we can find you the perfect holiday.
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Sleeps 2-4 — Self catered / Bed & Breakfast
Sleeps 188 — HALF BOARD
Sleeps 100 — Half Board
— B&B or Half Board
Sleeps 10 to 12 — Catered
Sleeps 12 — CATERED
Sleeps 10 to 12 — Catered
Sleeps 12 — CATERED